The Christmas Card Project: Part II

I thought I was done with my little project, but, I wasn’t.  I should have learned years ago that I was either doomed to have my foot in my mouth or not speak at all.  And then the Christmas spirit set in, and well….I find that the basis of this project would have not been properly fulfilled was I to leave anyone off the list.  Word might get out, and I wouldn’t want to offend.  And so, three more little greetings emerge.

still life with whine

And, you thought I’d finally given up painting?  Well, it has been a while since I’ve done anything worth sharing.   This is what is on the easel at the moment, a nice piece featuring a glass of spilled wine – – spillage without breaking the glass!  It’s a miracle!  A glass saved…although, saved or not, I can’t help but wonder if that bow had anything to do with it.  It’s a work in progress – needing much more paint!  Oil on cheap canvas,


work in progress, oil on cheap canvas, 36″ x 36″

36 ” square.