You have to be kidding.

I think this must be six months on the easel. It is undoubtedly still a work. In progress. A fancy little oil on canvas, 18” x 24”. With the working title, Joe’s Last Ride, part of the /Life in the Matrix series, because this cannot be real. Yes, that is a Chinese flag.

Painting sideways.

Work in Progress

The Baroness is certain she’s spent more than 60 hours hard at work at her easel on this piece. It is obviously not done….you see, in order to avoid falling off a ladder, the Baroness turns the canvas sideways to work, and then reorients the position to check progress! It’s definitely a work of love!

The Baroness must admit we’re a bit cocky today…

Invasion [/life in the Matrix]

I could just keep painting and painting and painting…but, the vision wouldn’t become any clearer.  So.  Here.  And, that’s not an angel….it’s Kewpie with wings.  Context is everything.


Invasion: [/life in the Matrix], 2016, oil on canvas, 30 x 30 inches.

The birth of sunflowers…

That’s it.  I’ve spent days trying to capture just what it is that makes up my vision.  This, is as close as is necessary, I think.  No, I’m sure.    So, one can now ponder just how this matrix thing works.  Ha!

Acceptance Life in the Matrix 2016

Acceptance: [/life in the Matrix], 2016, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches

[/life] in the matrix: anarchy

The completion of a painting always just jumps up, seemingly as if out of nowhere….(but, of course,  it isn’t) even though

anarchy life in the matrix

[/life] in the Matrix: Anarchy, 2016, oil on canvas, 30 x 30 inches.

 it is right there in front of me, telling me to stop.  Don’t do that!  Still, I’m always surprised when I get there.  Now I miss working on this piece….tedium and all.



I don’t know what I expected when I set about to paint what should appear to be an infinite number of Barbie dolls…rolling ashore with the tide.  This piece shall remain a work in progress for some time I fear, as some believe it is not Barbie, but, Lucille Ball!

landing party in progress

work in progress, oil on canvas, 30 x 30 inches Are those lenticular clouds? or, the transportation for the landing party? Nevertheless, it appears to be an invasion.